Giới thiệu

Title: Rumic World Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Gender Bender, Harem, Historical, Martial Arts, Mystery, One shot, Psychological, Romance, Shounen, Slice of Life, Sports, Tragedy In the fantastical world of Rumic, where magic and martial arts coexist, a young martial artist named Kaito finds himself caught in a web of destiny and secrets. Kaito, a skilled fighter with a mysterious past, stumbles upon a hidden scroll that grants him the power to switch genders at will. As Kaito grapples with this newfound ability, he embarks on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and heart. Joined by a quirky group of companions including a witty trickster, a noble swordsman, and a enigmatic sorceress, Kaito sets out to unravel the ancient prophecies that foretell the world's impending doom. Along the way, he must navigate treacherous battles, solve intricate puzzles, and confront his inner demons. As Kaito delves deeper into the mysteries of Rumic, he uncovers shocking revelations about his own lineage and the true nature of his powers. He must confront powerful enemies, forge unlikely alliances, and make heart-wrenching sacrifices to save the world from destruction. But amidst the chaos and danger, Kaito also discovers the joys of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Will he be able to fulfill his destiny and bring peace to Rumic, or will he succumb to the dark forces that threaten to consume him? Rumic World is a thrilling tale of action, adventure, romance, and tragedy that will keep readers on the edge of their seats till the very end.

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