Type-Moon Complex X

Type-Moon Complex X

Giới thiệu

Title: Type-Moon Complex X Genre: Action, Adventure, Doujinshi, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural In the world of Type-Moon Complex X, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, a young boy named Takumi discovers a mysterious book that grants him extraordinary powers. As he delves deeper into the secrets of the book, Takumi finds himself drawn into a complex web of supernatural events and dark forces. Guided by a group of enigmatic companions, each with their unique abilities and hidden agendas, Takumi embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with action and danger. Along the way, he must navigate treacherous battles against monstrous creatures, confront his inner demons, and unravel the mysteries of the Type-Moon Complex. As Takumi’s power grows, so does the danger that threatens to engulf the world. With harem of powerful allies at his side, including fierce warriors, cunning sorcerers, and seductive spirits, Takumi must face off against ancient evils and sinister organizations that seek to control the Type-Moon Complex for their own nefarious purposes. But as the lines between friend and foe blur, Takumi realizes that the true challenge lies not only in defeating external threats but also in mastering the dark powers within himself. With each battle, Takumi comes closer to unlocking the full potential of the Type-Moon Complex and fulfilling his destiny as the chosen one. Will Takumi rise above the chaos and darkness that threaten to consume him, or will he succumb to the temptations of power and lose himself in the twisted web of fate? Dive into the world of Type-Moon Complex X, where action and adventure collide with supernatural forces and the boundaries of reality are shattered.

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140 ngày trước
140 ngày trước
140 ngày trước
140 ngày trước
140 ngày trước
140 ngày trước